To view the other How Magazine 2012 Self Promotion winners go to:
Mohawk Paper's recent press release and site post under Great Work Communications the new promotional piece Fruit For Thought. Thank you Mohawk. I am in good company with the other people recognized. Here is the link and a blurb from the review:
The Boston-based freelance designer thrives in design challenges and enjoys creating work that is totally unique, un-mimicked by any other designer or design firm. Her self-promotion, submitted to this year’s Mohawk Show, was no different. She takes patterns, colors, and textures that one would not ordinarily think fit together, and pieces them together in unusually brilliant ways. Her self-promotion, Fruit for Thought, combines vibrant green, yellow, and orange colors with dull tans, browns, and grays. Images of fruits and trees include hand drawn illustrations, paintings, and newspaper cutouts on posters fit for an art gallery. This comes together well to prove just how challenge-ready Otul Cummings is. Designed by Teresa Otul Cummings, Fruit for Thought is an amazing example of the creative work that is being done on Mohawk papers, and we are constantly surprised and inspired by work that we see both inside and outside of the Mohawk Show.